Winged horse beast


Green-glazed square tile molded from reddish earthenware with a plain background framed by a raised rim. In the center is a fantastic four-legged horse-like beast with fangs, spiked mane of five scored triangles, upraised tail in two plumes, and with a short flame-like wing and an eye motif above its foreleg. Presented in profile view. Gripped in the beast's mouth is a long-tailed animal.

Published References & Reproductions

Kaikodo Journal (Autumn 1996), no. 74b.

Rita Reif, "As Serene as a Teahouse in Kyoto," New York Times (Sunday, Oct. 13, 1996), H45.

Souren Melikian, "More Scholarly and Luxurious, Art Gallery Catalogues Move Upmarket," International Herald Tribune (Oct. 26, 1996).

Tina Pang, "Some Chinese Glazed Tiles of the 6th Century," Oriental Art 44, no. 4 (1998/99). p. 61–68.