For the Birds: Representing Nature from Saint Francis to Pope Francis


For the Birds: Representing Nature from Saint Francis to Pope Francis

Master of the Bardi St. Francis, Altar panel, c. 1265, tempera on panel, Bardi Chapel, Santa Croce, Florence


Thursday, June 18, 2020


5:30 PM EDT

Using Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’s recent encyclical on the environment, as a point of departure, this talk explores the changing representation of his namesake, St. Francis, from the thirteenth to the twenty-first century, examining how evolving ideas about the human-nature relationship are expressed in images of the patron saint of ecology. Presented by Karl Kusserow, John Wilmerding Curator of American Art.

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LATE THURSDAYS!  This event is part of the Museum’s Late Thursdays programming, made possible in part by Heather and Paul G. Haaga Jr., Class of 1970.