Museum Workout


Museum Workout

McCormick 106
Thursday, October 15, 2015 @ 6:30 pm

Join us for a conversation about museum-based performance with dancers from Monica Bill Barnes & Company and the artist Maira Kalman.

A new, exciting performance is taking place at the Princeton University Art Museum, a cross between a museum tour and an exercise routine. The work is a creative collaboration between dancers and choreographers Monica Barnes and Anna Bass from Monica Bill Barnes & Company; and artist and author Maira Kalman.

The “Museum Workout” follows Barnes and Bass as they move through the Museum, exercising to a soundtrack ranging from Disco to Motown, mixed with Maira Kalman’s original narration.  Kalman curates the path, as a guide would, asking the participants to consider our relationship with art and how we choose to spend our time. Barnes says “my hope is to offer people a new way of physically interacting with art. I realize that working out in a museum feels strange, but just standing there has always felt wrong to me also."