Spheres of Influence: Merce Cunningham and Robert Rauschenberg


Spheres of Influence: Merce Cunningham and Robert Rauschenberg

Art Museum
Thursday, February 14, 2013 @ 6:30 pm

The program begins in the Museum's Marquand Mather gallery at 6:30 pm, with an opportunity to view a selection of paintings, drawings, and prints from the 1960s and 1970s, including works that Rauschenberg created for the Merce Cunningham Dance Company (MCDC), on loan from the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation. Katy Dammers, lead student guide and certificate student in the Program in Dance, will be available to discuss the works.

From 7:00 to 7:15 pm, students from the Program in Dance will perform a MinEvent composed of choreography by Merce Cunningham, staged by alumnus and former MCDC member Silas Riener.* Live music will be composed and performed by Jeff Synder, Codirector of PLORK (Princeton Laptop Orchestra) and Cenk Ergün, graduate student in composition. 

The performance will be followed, from 7:30 to 8:30 pm, by a panel discussion moderated by visiting faculty and frequent contributor to the New York Times Claudia La Rocco, with Nancy Dalva, Merce Cunningham Trust Scholar in Residence; John King, composer/performer and former Codirector of the Music Committee for the MCDC; Abigail Sebaly, Cunningham Research Fellow at the Walker Art Center; and Silas Riener.

A reception in the Sterling Morton gallery will follow the panel.

*A second MinEvent, composed of different material, will be presented in the Program in Dance's Spring Dance Festival, February 22–24 at the Berlind Theatre at McCarter Theatre Center. For more information, visit princeton.edu/arts.