Modern Art Galleries
Vague par la pluie à Port Hue-St. Briac (Wave in the Rain at Port Hue-St. Briac)Vague par la pluie à Port Hue-St. Briac (Wave in the Rain at Port Hue-St. Briac), 1890
Untitled II (Female)Untitled II (Female), 2003
L'Univers est créé (The Universe is Created)L'Univers est créé (The Universe is Created), 1893–94
Attack by American Indians: Act II, Scene 1, from the play “Strange Tale of the Castaway: A Western Kabuki” (Hyōryū kidan seiyō kabuki 漂流奇談西洋劇)Attack by American Indians: Act II, Scene 1, from the play “Strange Tale of the Castaway: A Western Kabuki” (Hyōryū kidan seiyō kabuki 漂流奇談西洋劇), 1879, September 10
Meiji era, 1868–1912
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Picture of the Great Naval Battle of Lüshun Port [Port Arthur] (旅順港外大海戦圖)Picture of the Great Naval Battle of Lüshun Port [Port Arthur] (旅順港外大海戦圖), 1904, March 10
Meiji era, 1868–1912
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Frau auf Teppich (Woman on a Carpet)Frau auf Teppich (Woman on a Carpet), 1915
L'Univers est créé (The Universe is Created)L'Univers est créé (The Universe is Created), 1893–94, printed in 1921
A Philosopher Shewing an Experiment on the Air PumpA Philosopher Shewing an Experiment on the Air Pump, 1769
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