Northwest Coast - Private
Shaman figure holding halibut and two kooshda (land otters)Shaman figure holding halibut and two kooshda (land otters), before 1885
probably Tlingit -
Yéil (Raven) figureYéil (Raven) figure, before 1882
Tlingit -
Model poleModel pole, before 1885
probably Haida , possibly Tlingit -
HatHat, before 1882
probably Makah -
BasketBasket, before 1882
Salish -
Kuh-dutzah-yate (wide mouthed basket)Kuh-dutzah-yate (wide mouthed basket), before 1882
Tlingit -
HatHat, before 1885
Tlingit -
HatHat, before 1885
Tlingit -
Snuff boxSnuff box, before 1885
Russian -
Blue Russian Trade BeadsBlue Russian Trade Beads, 19th century
Tlingit -
Sea lion bowlSea lion bowl, before 1882
Haida -
Model house with x'átgu (dogfish) house frontModel house with x'átgu (dogfish) house front, before 1882