Lecture: La Piel de las Ciudades/The Skin of the Cities


Lecture: La Piel de las Ciudades/The Skin of the Cities

McCormick 106
Monday, November 11, 2013 @ 12:00 pm

Join the Program in Latin American Studies for a lecture by Gian Paolo Minelli, Swiss photographer. This is the second event in Photography in Latin America, a lecture series co-organized by Professors Eduardo Cadava and Gabriela Nouzeilles in conjunction with the exhibition The Itinerant Languages of Photography. All events in the series are free and open to the public.

Gian Paolo Minelli, Cité Desnos #51, 2010. Chromogenic print, 100x140 cm. Courtesy of the artist. ©Gian Paolo Minelli. Princeton University Art Museum