The Best New Work (1): Avant-Garde and Kitsch


The Best New Work (1): Avant-Garde and Kitsch

Art Museum
Saturday, March 26, 2016 @ 12:00 pm

Artist David Levine’s The Best New Work is a series of performances designed to deliver classic works of art criticism to a wider audience by performing them, as personal monologues, in the exhibition venue itself. Actors drift through the galleries, gift shops, cafes, restrooms and atria of the building, performing their essay as though on an endless loop. The performer's attitude, delivery, affect, and mood change depending on where in the building they find themselves, time of day, whether or not they have an audience, and how big that audience is.

In The Best New Work (1): Avant-Garde and Kitsch, LA-based actress Laura Beckner will enact Clement Greenberg's 1939 essay at the Princeton University Art Museum between the hours of 12 and 5pm.Visitors are encouraged to drop in as their schedule permits.

This performance of The Best New Work (1) is part of the IHUM "New Schools" initiative, and is linked to HUM 598: 'The Enacted Thought,' an experimental graduate seminar that examines the relationship between theater and pedagogy.